Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sba Sample on Bullying - 1333 Words
Statement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? What causes someone to be bullied? Reason For Selecting Area of Research I chose the topic of bullying because I believe that it is a problem that is making a great impact on society in these recent times. There are many people who are being bullied and sooner or later this will have or play a great significance in the life of the individual. I want to find out how bullying can affect†¦show more content†¦Only a few students have yet to experience it themselves if nothing is done to target the problem, or maybe yet they are the bullies themselves. Analysis of Graph #3 There could be many reasons that a bully might have to harass a victim but not always are these reasons pointed out. As seen on the graph the main reason children are bullied is because they are academically inclined. Most of this cases would involve the bully calling them names or forcing them to their homework. The second main reason children believe they are bullied is because they dont socialize well with others, meaning they dont have a lot of friends. Many of the victims however are unaware of the reason of why they are bullied. Analysis of graph #4 It is important that teachers and parents be aware of the presence of bullying and note the characteristics of children who are targeted. One of the most common reactions by victims in depression, this reaction needs to be recognized by parents and teachers. The reason these children feel this way is because the no longer perceive like they have any more control over their life. Bullying is not just a part of growing up once people recognize the emotional destruction it has on societal values everyone involved should not ignore the problems. In some cases children do not surviveShow MoreRelatedSba Sample on Bullying1341 Words  | 6 PagesStatement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? What causes someone to be bullied? Reason For Selecting Area of Research I chose the topic of bullying because I believe that it is a problem that is making
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Evolutionary, Cognitive, And Psychodynamic - 947 Words
Lifespan development is a scientific approach to questions about growth, change, and stability in physical, cognitive, social, and personality characteristics at all ages from conception to death (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). In reading the chapter I found three theories very interesting evolutionary, cognitive, and psychodynamic. The reason I find evolutionary perspective because I feel as though this perspective or theory is the base of study. When we are born we have genetic make-up for two people with two family trees. The blending is sometimes a hard transition. We all have been around child and seen their parents’ characteristics in the child. Evolutionary perspective attributes to the genetic inheritance from our ancestors, contending that genes determine not only traits such as skin and eye color, but certain personality traits and social behaviors (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). We all see and new edition in a family and sit and try and pick out which parent the child looks like. We are a very diverse place. The traits and genetic studies are a constant for new developments and updated current practices. Education on social norms of new populations are a must. As we learned throughout history change is a shock. We need to educate and adapt to the societal new comers. Problems occur in the lag between establishment of new members and educative process which has caused some havoc for community members. With more and more cultural differences and blending thereShow MoreRelatedPerspectives of Psychology1141 Words  | 5 Pagesanalyze behaviors, and other uses a multidimensional approach. Carter Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people’s behavior, and mental processes. These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective. Biological perspective The biological perspective looks at how the environment and physical causes influences behavior. In the biological perspective, neuroscience plays a crucial roleRead MoreFoundations of Psychology Essay763 Words  | 4 Pagesphysics, there are several fragmented perspectives that nonetheless share these characteristics of a paradigm. There are four of these perspectives that inform contemporary psychological thought: the psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives (Kowalski Westen, 2009). The psychodynamic perspective of psychology stems from the work of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, during the late nineteenth century. This perspective contends that behavior demonstrates that behaviorRead MoreThe Question in the Origins of Psychology is What Drives Us and Why722 Words  | 3 Pagesto the fact that it was concerned with internal behavior that can`t be observed or measured Functionalism was formed as a direct reaction from structuralism. Functionalism was greatly influenced by the works of William James and Charles Darwin`s evolutionary theory. Instead of focusing of the elements of consciousness, Functionalism focuses on the purpose of consciousness and its behavior in a more systematic and accurate manner. (Cherry) An American scholar, William James expanded the traditionalRead MoreFoundation of Psychology773 Words  | 4 Pagesthe years there are many schools of thoughts in psychology that has developed, that are in addition to the main eight which are structuralism, functionalism, rationalism, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, Gestalt psychology, and Cognitive Psychology. . The first school of thought, structuralism was endorsed by Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Bradford Titchner between 1890-1920 in Germany and the US. This school of thought analyzes the mental processes and broke in down into the most basicRead MoreDiscuss What Makes the Psychodynamic Approach Unique. Refer to Other Approaches in Your Answer. (12 Marks)1115 Words  | 5 PagesDiscuss what makes the psychodynamic approach unique. Refer to other approaches in your answer. (12 marks) In terms of human behaviour, psychology provides alternative perspectives, known as approaches, which give explanation to human behaviours. What makes each approach unique is that they all have their own focal points for how to explain behaviour. For example, the biological approach looks to the evolutionary processes and gene mutations/hormone levels, whilst the cognitive approach looks at howRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Psychology Is Defined As The Scientific Study Of The Human Mind And Behavior1281 Words  | 6 Pageshighly inspired by the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, introduced functionalism as another school of thought, which focuses on the purpose of consciousness and one’s behavior. To conclude this, functionalism is no longer a school of thought; however, it may influence the work of other psychologists today on theories and approaches to human behavior. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, also known to be the father of psychoanalysis, was the founder of the psychodynamic approach in psychologyRead MoreFoundations of Psychology Paper785 Words  | 4 Pagesneurotransmitters influence how we are motivated, what our emotions are, and how we handle stress or feelings. In this field of psychology it can be considered a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience, (Kowalski amp; Westen, 2009). * Psychodynamic perspective: This perspective was initiated by Sigmund Freud to focus on the dynamic interplay of mental forces (Kowalski amp; Westen, 2009). There are three key premises to this perspective. First, how people think, feel, and wish determinesRead MoreJohn Locke And Locke s Views On Nature Nurture1629 Words  | 7 Pagesascendants. Thanks to Darwin, the natural selection concluded the â€Å"nature†part of the nature-nurture issue also emerged the psychological perspective called evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology is the study of the evolution of the behavior and mind. As of Charles Darwin’s analyzation of that certain species behavior, he would be an evolutionary psychologist. Just because Darwin’s natural selection proposal had been analyzed to animals, it can actually impact to humans too. For an example, let’sRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay2576 Words  | 11 Pagesissues and traffic accidents. This essay vie ws sleep and sleep deprivation from five different motivational perspectives in order to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomena. From evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive, and hierarchy of needs perspectives, it is inferred that the cognitive and behaviourist perspectives uphold the most merit for gaining understanding into sleep and sleep deprivation. However, it is concluded that in order to obtain the greatest comprehensionRead MoreRelationship Between Nature And Nurture1262 Words  | 6 Pagessensitive and easily affected by the environment, and the broken window theory is an example of this (2000). When something as simple as a broken window is present in a community, people suddenly find it acceptable to commit crimes (Gladwell, 2000). Cognitive perspective focuses on how people analyze and store information. The way the brain is naturally formed allows different processes and thoughts to take place. According to a study done by a team at the University of Oxford, the size of the brain determines
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Leading In Contemporary Organization-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the difference between Men and Women in Leadership Behavior. Answer: Executive summary: The main aim of this report is to explain the difference between men and women in leadership behavior. This analysis is done by identification of leadership opportunities. So this report gives the evaluation on the basis of the study which is related with the difference between men and women in leadership behavior. Introduction: Leadership is the ability of an individual or an organization to manage each and every thing. This study focuses on the managerial position of both men and women. Leadership behavior is related with the motivation profile and also with many leadership and decision making styles. The study gives emphasis on the nature of organization and organizational demographics. It gives focus on qualities of male and female leaders. Leaders are those people who help themselves and others also. They set a vision and create something innovative (EaglyJohannesen, 2001). Leadership is all about creating direction and implementing it to achieve goals in the organization. The diverse workplace has increasing and attention is paid to it. There are many differences which exist in men and women influence, communicate and in leadership. The gender of male and female has been seen as two different sets of people. It is seen that when it comes to leadership man and female have different style to deal with it . Some suggested that female managers only focuses and contribute to communication and cooperation, power, nurturing and also the female managers were less open and candid with their colleagues as compared to male managers. Also the man focuses on goal setting dimensions while women focuses on interaction facilitation one. So leadership has many dimensions which will be discussed in this report. The report will focus on the working pattern of the women and men (Spillane, 2003). Evaluation: It has been observed that to measure the leadership behavior there are many different ways. There are three dimensions of leadership behavior leadership style, Motivation profile and decision making style. These dimensions are universally recognized. The managerial behavior comparison is based on the concepts of leadership style, Managerial decision making and motivation profile. This explains about the leadership style theories that these factors are found in the behavior of leader. The leadership style also consists of many types of styles that are Employee oriented leadership style in which the managers gives respect and regards to his or her subordinates and also gives them the power of decision making. Second is Production oriented style in the manager make rules and regulations to control work and the third one is change oriented style in which the manager offers different ways of doing things (McColl- Kennedy and Anderson, 2002). In managerial decision style it is the most imp ortant element in marketing. In this people are guided by various functions like sensing, intuition, thinking and feeling. In Motivation profile it is the desire to work in effective manner and also to maintain good relation with others. It is based on the motivation of leader. The motivation level remains same for both men and womens. If both men and women are motivated they will work in effective manner. In the article quantitative method is used which is sample and data collection in this it reduces the effects of leadership behavior and also no difference is seen the motivation profile but in leadership and decision making style the difference is analyzed (Camilleri, 2006). In this the focus is also given on the similarities which are taken into consideration. The similarities are discussed by taking into two theories that are the public and private distinction and also the theories of person organization fit. It is also seen that there are more employed women in schools as comp ared to men and also they are on the position of leader. There are more women employed then men on the position of manager. Womens are leading many organizations nowadays and there is very little area where men are leading women in insurance sector. It is also seen that there is no difference in leadership style dimensions. It can also be observed that no of women are working and are on the post of principal, so it cannot be said that women have adapted the male culture. There is not so much difference analyzed between the men and women managerial function. The women are employed more in the schools as compared to men on the post of principle. On the leadership position more women are employed as compared to women (SadlerSmith, Hampson, Chaston Badger, 2003). Reflection: From the above article it can be seen that leadership does not differs on the basis of gender. Both men and women can act as leaders effectively if provided with equal opportunities. This article has been really helpful in terms of developing and inculcating leadership skills in me. The learning drawn from the article will also be assistance in the developing leadership skills that can be useful in future aspects of the career. Women leaders use interactive leadership style and they never give encouragement to other but also encourages and gives enhancement to self worth. It also reflects that many leaders believe that people give their best when they feel good about themselves at work (Jones Munro, 2005). For continuous improvement and to increase the opportunities the leaders are opening the access of information. In this article many leadership styles are discussed which gives emphasis on the leadership styles and also focuses on the working pattern of both men and women. It is s een that womens are also equally capable as compared to men. They can also lead an organization and on the other hand men also possess the leadership qualities (Tannenbaum, 2011). It also seen that more womens are working in the school as compared to men and they all are on the post of the principal. This article influenced the leadership styles and also gave motivation that all womens are capable to perform each and every task effectively and efficiently. It has enhanced the learning capacity about the leadership skills and attributes. This article helped to increase the skills and talents and also brings inspirational motivation and individualized consideration. This article also clarifies about the direct leadership practices which influenced the quality of teaching and learning. The issue which arises from the article is the difference between the men and women leadership issue. This can be really helpful for me to apply all these theories in practical life (MilgromRoberts, 2012 ). This article is a great example that there is no difference in leadership qualities of men and women. The knowledge that can also be extracted from the above article is that there is no difference between the men and women managerial decision making and also in leadership behavior if compared with male led organization with majority of female employees (Mumford, Zaccaro, Connelly Mark, 2012) It is concluded from this that there is no or very less difference in leadership behavior between men and women. It can also be said that there is no difference in leadership qualities of both men and women. It has also given knowledge about the leadership which can be useful in future to implement and also by analyzing this it has given focus in the managerial decision which should be implemented in the right way. The behavior is also responsible for completing the work in effective manner. In decision making factor there is no difference between male and female (Andersen Hansson, 2011). References: Aarum Andersen, J. and Hansson, P.H., 2011. At the end of the road? On differences between women and men in leadership behaviour. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 32(5), pp.428-441. Camilleri, E., 2006. Towards developing an organisational commitment-public service motivation model for the Maltese public service employees.Public policy and administration,21(1), pp.63-83. Eagly, A.H. and Johannesen?Schmidt, M.C., 2001. The leadership styles of women and men.Journal of social issues,57(4), pp.781-797. Jones, C. and Munro, R. eds., 2005.Contemporary organization theory. Oxford: Blackwell. McColl-Kennedy, J.R. and Anderson, R.D., 2002. Impact of leadership style and emotions on subordinate performance.The Leadership Quarterly,13(5), pp.545-559. Milgrom, P.R. and Roberts, J.D., 2012. Economics, organization and management. Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Connelly, M.S. and Marks, M.A.,2012. Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions.The Leadership Quarterly,11(1), pp.155-170. SadlerSmith, E., Hampson, Y., Chaston, I. and Badger, B., 2003. Managerial behavior, entrepreneurial style, and small firm performance.Journal of small business management,41(1), pp.47-67. Spillane, J.P., 2003. Educational leadership.Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,25(4), pp.343-346. Tannenbaum, R.,2011. Managerial decision-making.The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago,23(1), pp.22-39.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Oil And Gas How Both Affect The Economy Essays - Economy, Economics
Oil And Gas: How Both Affect The Economy The economy is affected by many factors that determine if it is strong or weak. These factors have to do with buyers consuming goods and services and at what rate they do this. Do the goods and services that are consumed by people created wealth, jobs and a better overall economy for a country. Throughout history some economies have evolved faster and stronger than others. Policies that the government places on industry, technology and the environment can all affect the prosperity of an economy. Of the factors that affect economic growth the industry of Oil and gas is one that holds a stronghold in the world's and America's economy today. When evaluating the economic growth factor of economy and specifically oil and gas on must consider the following questions: ? What relationship does the factor have with the whole economy? ? How does this factor affect economic growth ? Is the factor a cause or effect of economic growth? ? what would the economy be like if there were significant problems with this factor? ? What relation does a central bank have to this factor? I will answer each of these questions in respect to how economy is affected by oil and gas. The economy in the United States today is greatly affected by oil and gas. When there are large reserves and an increase of active drills in respect to oil, the economy seems to receive a boost. This is because prices for such things like gas and oil fall and people are able to consume more gas at a lower price. There is more supply and prices fall, therefore people save money on gas and can consume other items in the economy. People working in these industries have more job openings and more jobs filled, therefore creating a lower unemployment rate and a higher national per capita income. The need for substitutes are not there so, consumers will consume oil and gas at a growing rate. Since, people use oil and gas for so many different things like heating there homes, driving their cars, and a variety of other sources, the overall GNP for the consumer will rise. Economic growth is affected through significant fluctuations in inflation of oil and gas. If you look throughout history when there have been fluctuations in gas and oil prices you have vast fluctuations in the economy of our country. The instability of this factor has cause government regulation to come into play in times of crisis. For example during the mid-seventies we had the oil and gas shortage due to the Middle East cutting off supply to Importers of their oil. By doing this, they caused a shortage in a lot of countries creating rising oil prices and high demand. Consumers could not rely on the oil prices to be stable, therefore they consumed less of other products due to the inflation of gas prices and more of their dollar began to be spent on gas. Americans particularly started to come up with more efficient means of using and consuming gas over the past 25 years. Oil and gas is a resource that can be used up if not conserved properly. That is why OPEC was formed, as well a s organizations such as NAFTA to help regulate trade of these commodities and bring organization to a disorganized status. In addition, governments like the United States impose taxes on gas to regulated the prices in order to ward off against supplies of oil affecting the nations economy. This only works to an extent, in the early to mid-eighties one state's economy lived and died by the supply of oil. That state was Texas. When Texas's oil rigs began to dry up, their economy went into a recession. Their reliance on the oil supply as their main revenue producer caused a lot of people to lose their jobs and demand and consumption for other products fell as well. This caused a spiraling effect which caused people from all industries to lose their jobs. Texas's economy suffered and so did parts of the American economy with High inflation and high debt which caused the economy to suffer. Increased regulation and diversification of a country's
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Deception in Research A Critical Analysis
Deception in Research A Critical Analysis Introduction The Stanford prison experiment was a psychological research on the impacts of being a prison guard or a prisoner. As the name suggests, the test was carried out at Stanford University between August 14 and August 20, 1971. It was conducted by a group of renowned researchers in the psychology field, led by Phillip Zimbardo. The latter was a well known professor of psychology.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Deception in Research: A Critical Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research was funded by the US Office of Naval Research. The research attracted the interest of both the Marine Corps and the US Navy. It was conducted to investigate, and possibly explain, the discrepancies between the prisoners and the military guards. Zimbardo and his research team came with a hypothesis to conduct the study. The scholars hypothesized that the intrinsic personality traits of the prisoners and the guards w ere the key source of abusive behavior in prison. Consequences of Deception There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of deception in research. The costs and benefits of deception can be traced in the Zimbardo’s study. According to the scholars, the prisoners had internalized their responsibilities, although some indicated that they would acknowledge â€Å"parole†even if it would entail forfeiting their pay. The prisoners, however, acted to the contrary. They continued to participate in the study even after their requests for parole rejected. Zimbardo held that the prisoners did not have any reasons for continuous contribution in the research after losing all their monetary compensation. But they did continue with their contribution, possibly because they had internalized the ‘prisoner’ identity. Zimbardo noted that, out of the more than fifty individuals who had participated in the experiment, only one person questioned its m orality (Zimbardo, 1973). The results of the study indicated the obedience and impersonality of the individuals when presented with a legitimizing ideology. The results also addressed the issue of institutional and social support. The scholars used two theories in the study. The first was applied cognitive dissension theory (Nier, 2010). The second was the power of influence theory. The outcome of the research supported the situational attribution of behavior. The results refuted the dispositional attribution (Nier, 2010). The actions of the participants were attributed to the situation. Individual personalities did not play a significant role in this case. The findings of this research were compatible with those made in Milgram’s study.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the latter experiment, ordinary individuals obeyed orders to administer distressing and hazardou s electric shocks to another individual (Haney Banks, 1973). After the research, there were uprisings in some penitentiary facilities. They included Attica and San Quentin correctional institutions (Haney Banks, 1973). The uprising raised concerns over the methodology adopted in the study and findings made. The prisoners and the guards embraced their respective obligations, something that was not anticipated. The parties went beyond what the researchers had projected. The situation gave rise to dangerous and psychologically destructive conditions in the prisons. A third of the prison guards were believed to have displayed authentic sadistic behavior (Zimbardo, 2007). The lead researcher was forced to admit the fact that he had inactively allowed for immoral actions, which were conducted under his watch. The scholar concluded that both the guards and the prisoners were engrossed in their obligations. He also realized that he had immersed himself too deeply his own study. As a re sult, he was forced to terminate it. The Stanford prison study was widely regarded as an alarming academic undertaking. It bared the participants to the risks associated with the exposure of the dark side of human nature (Fiske, 2010). What If Deception was not used? The findings of the study may have been significantly different if the researchers had not used deception at all. Some critics of the study hold that the participants were just involved in role-playing. To this end, the participants were structuring their behavior depending on how they were expected to act. They were believed to reproduce their acts according to the stereotypes revolving around the behavior of guards and prisoners. Such behaviors could not have been exhibited if the researchers did not engage in deception. The experiment came out as an examination of the impacts of oppressive leadership. Because of this, several ambitious guards changed their behavior to match the patterns that the scholars were tryi ng to deduce (Zimbardo, 1973). The change in behavior was one of the major impacts of using deception in the study. Furthermore, the study was condemned on environmental validity basis.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Deception in Research: A Critical Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Several conditions established in the study were subjective. The conditions were not connected to real-life situations. A case in point is the blindfolding of new prisoners. The prisoners were prohibited from wearing underwear or looking out of the window. Conclusion In summary, the study (which was intended to establish whether or not the intrinsic personality traits of prisoners and guards were the key sources of abusive behavior in prison) did not get the desired results. The main reason for this was the use of deception. The results obtained were not in line with what the researchers had anticipated. The researchers conduct ed the study under unfavorable conditions. If deception had not been used, then both prisoners and guards would have behaved as anticipated. Therefore, the use of deception in social-psychological research produces undesired results. References Fiske, S.T. (2010). Social beings: Core motives in social psychology. London: Wiley. Haney, C., Banks, W. C. (1973). Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison. International Journal of Criminology and Penology, 1, 69-97. Nier, J. (2010). Taking sides: Clashing views in social psychology. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Zimbardo, P. (1973). The mind is a formidable jailer: A Pirandellian prison. New York: Free Press.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Zimbardo, P. (2007). The Lucifer effect: Understanding how good people turn evil. New York: Random House.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to transform your teams communication skills
How to transform your teams communication skills A catalogue for transforming communication skills Writing is one of those work activities that we just assume we can do. So much so that its not even something we tend to give much thought to. Yet in the last decade or two, its silently taken over our working lives. Email alone accounts for a staggering four hours of an average workers day, according to a recent survey by Adobe of more than 4,000 workers across Europe and the US. And thats before theyve even begun to include bids, slide decks, reports, letters, procedures or policies. But how many of those communications engage their audience and get results? And how many damage relationships that then take months to repair (if they ever are)? It only takes a moments thought to realise that few skills are more important today than the ability to communicate well. We’re here to help You may know us from our regular business-writing tips and blog posts. You might have already been on an Emphasis business-writing course, either as an individual or with your company. Or maybe you’ve downloaded a copy of The Write Stuff: our free, comprehensive guide to business writing. However, you might not be aware of the full range of training services we offer that can bridge this critical skill gap. This includes our unique, pre-course writing analysis, which shines a spotlight on the documents you or your team produce, and reveals which areas are the priorities to improve. We have just the course for you To help you, we’ve created an interactive PDF guide to our services, which includes not just business writing but also communication skills courses. For example, we have created a new and innovative presentation skills course, The reluctant presenter. Its aimed at people who have a deep fear of presenting, and is delivered by trainers who have overcome their own fears and can share their secrets. We’ve also developed the worlds most comprehensive online business-writing course, called Emphasis 360. To learn more about any of our programmes, and how they can help transform your teams (or your own) communication skills, download a copy of our course catalogue now. You can also call us on +44 (0)1273 732 888 for a chat with one of our friendly team. Image credit: / Shutterstock
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hitler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hitler - Essay Example f races (including the Jews), he ran away to Munich where he stayed until the outbreak of World War 1 where he voluntarily enrolled to become a soldier. He therefore joined World War 1 as a soldier with the Germany Army and fought in several wars. Other than receiving awards at the war (he was awarded two iron crosses which was a mark of bravery (Haugen 103)), he also received injuries including serious one on the thigh which led him to be admitted for two months and this was followed by the first bout of blindness as a result of a mustard gas (both bouts of blindness were temporary however). His heart hardened in the military and he gained confidence which was useful later on when he decided to join politics. His road to politics was built from the defeat of the Germany army in the way and also the exploitation of the detrimental economic, social and political conditions in that nation. Hitler is renowned for his excellent oratorical skills and it is this skill that enabled him to j oin politics and rise through the different leadership positions (Haugen 54). His good oratorical skills combined with his anti-Semitism nature and the quest for a strong government is what made him be discharged from the army and he started working for the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) gathering audiences and crowds to defer with and criticize the government and give speeches against the Jews and Marxist (which he both detested). It is his popularity and courage that led to him receiving financial backing from the rich citizens who were supporting him. He was known for his blackmail nature and he used this method to get what he wanted and even rise in positions in many occasions. One of these occasions was the rise to become the party chairman of National Socialist German... Hitler is renowned for his excellent oratorical skills and it is this skill that enabled him to join politics and rise through the different leadership positions (Haugen 54). His good oratorical skills combined with his anti-Semitism nature and the quest for a strong government is what made him be discharged from the army and he started working for the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) gathering audiences and crowds to defer with and criticize the government and give speeches against the Jews and Marxist (which he both detested). It is his popularity and courage that led to him receiving financial backing from the rich citizens who were supporting him. He was known for his blackmail nature and he used this method to get what he wanted and even rise in positions in many occasions. One of these occasions was the rise to become the party chairman of National Socialist German Workers Party replacing Dexter who was the very same person who introduced him to the party in the first place. His quest for power is what made him organize a coup (a fact that is not known to many people). Hitler served a prison term in Landsberg prison after attempting a coup (Beer Hall Putsch) to overthrow the German government but which failed. The prison term was supposed to be for five years but later he was released only after nine months (after the Supreme Court of Bavaria pardoned him) and he then decided to take over the government legally. It is while in prison that Hitler wrote a book about his struggles while in prison and they were published in a book called Mein Kampf.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Government Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Government - Article Example The main point the author made in her article is that education is a right of all people, whether illegal immigrants or not, and asking for immigration papers or making inquiries into their immigration status is a form of discrimination, and constitutes an infringement of his or her civil rights as an individual. School district authorities who require proof of citizenship on enrollment time are guilty of a law passed during the time of President Ronald Reagan, which only requires proof of residency such as a water, phone or electric bill (Armario 1). This knowledge is somehow related to my class because we are being taught how to respect the rights of all people and how not to discriminate against a certain class of people. In other words, America should embrace multi-culturalism from its varied ethnicities, indicated by its motto, â€Å"E Pluribus Unum†or â€Å"one from many†which is indicative of Americas status as the melting pot of the world, ready to welcome anybody to its shores and live freely. The financial crisis resulting from a bursting of the housing bubble and the subprime mortgage collapse has put severe strains on the finances of most states and in particular, those of certain school districts. This caused the recent attempts to exclude the illegals from school. Armario, Christine. â€Å"Public Schools Reminded not to Turn Away Illegal Immigrants.†Associated Press, 6 May 2011. Web. 19 Jun. 2012.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Rates of reaction - molarity Essay Example for Free
Rates of reaction molarity Essay Chemistry Coursework Rates of Reaction Molarity (Concentration) Aim: to find out if the concentration of HCl affects the amount of hydrogen gas given off when a magnesium strip is added. Apparatus: Gas syringe to take all the gas from the reaction and measure it Test tube to hold the two reactants Measuring cylinder to measure amount of water and acid Stop watch to time the reaction Delivery tube to deliver the hydrogen into the gas syringe Ruler + Scissors to measure and cut the magnesium Reactants: Magnesium strip Hydrochloric acid 2HCl + Mg H2 + MgCl2 Preliminary Work: From preliminary work I have found out that using 20 cm3 of acid and using 2 cm of magnesium for 1 minute gives off sufficient gas to measure accurately and I also found that for the molarity I should not go lower than 0. 6 as there of gas given off will be too slow. This is how I did the experiment: I set up the experiment as shown above Added 2 cm of magnesium strip to 20 cm3 of HCl I then wrote down the volume of the gas every 5 secs for 1 minute of the reaction Use concentrations M to see which would be suitable. Scientific Knowledge: A chemical reaction needs reactant particles to collide successfully for it to take place. For the chance of a successful collision to take place more frequent collisions need to occur. These four factors affect the frequency of collisions therefore affecting the rate of reaction: Concentration there are more acid particles in the same volume so they are more likely to collide with the magnesium particles. Temperature when the temperature is increased the particles gain kinetic energy, which means the particles vibrate more which in turn means they are more likely to collide successfully. Surface Area a larger surface are means more particles are exposed. Therefore as larger number of collisions occur Catalyst the catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed for a collision without taking part therefore more successful collisions will take place. However I am only testing concentration so from this knowledge I know that the higher the concentration the more likely that the particles will collide. Prediction: I believe that as the molarity decreases so will the speed at which the gas collects. I predict this because of my preliminary work and scientific knowledge. This knowledge is that as the concentration increases there are more particles in the same volume so then there will be more successful collision. This means the volume of gas collected in the first minute should decrease as the concentration decreases. Set up the experiment as shown above Add 2 cm of magnesium strip to 20 cm3 of HCl Write down the volume of the gas every 5 secs for 1 minute Use concentrations M To make the different concentrations I added water to 1M hydrochloric acid: Molarity Water/Acid cm3 1 Fair test/Reliability: By controlling all the other variables (temperature, surface area and using a catalyst) I am leaving only one thus making my results accurate and reliable and easier to test. I am also using the same amount of acid (variable) and magnesium each time making it a fair test. I have also repeated my experiment so that I can average out my results making it fair, as extremities will be averaged out. To make it a reliable and fair test I have made sure that the gas syringe is always at 0 at the beginning of each experiment and I will start the clock as soon as the Magnesium meets the HCl and always make sure that the Mg is cut to exactly to 2 cm. Safety: Always wear goggles so that no acid can go in your eye Wash acid after using acid so that acid does not transfer onto things that you touch and worse in your mouth (from the food that you eat). Results: Test 1 Molarity (M) Water/Acid cm3 T 5s I 10s M 15s E 20s 25s I 30s N 35s 40s S 45s E 50s C 55s S 6Test 2 Molarity (M) Water/Acid cm3 T 5s I 10s M 15s E 20s 25s IVolume of H2 collected Rate of Reaction: The rate of a reaction is how quickly the reactants turn into products. To work out the rate of reaction I have decided to find the time that each reaction took to reach 8 ml of H2 and converting it into a rate. The formula for Rate of Reaction is 1/time (secs) Molarity (M) Calculation Rate (3dp) The rate of reaction tell you how fast each reaction takes to get to point as you can see from my rate of reaction graph as the molarity increases the reaction is quicker apart from 0. 8 (sources of error in evaluation). This graph is useful, as initially I has thought 0. 7 moles was the incorrect result but this graph proved otherwise. Also from this graph I can find out what the rate should have been for 0. 9 ideally which is 0. 036 so the time it would have taken for this experiment to reach 8 ml of H2 is 1/rate = 1/0. 036 = 28. 7 seconds. I can also predict other results: Conclusion As my graphs and results show the volume of gas produced in the first minute increases with the increase in molarity apart from 0.8 moles, this anomaly occurred both times which is unusual but apart from that result I know that Molarity is proportional to volume of gas collected per minute. E. g. it takes longer for 8 ml of gas to be collected as the concentration reduces, which proves my prediction right. This is because there are more particles in the same volume if the concentration is increased. Here is a diagram: Less moles More moles Evaluation I believe the plan was good and enabled me to get the results that I needed. My experiment went very well apart from my one anomaly (0.8 Moles) this is unusual as it happened both time as but these are some reasons why this happened: Sources of Error Gas syringe was only to the nearest ml Magnesium it used up the HCl around it and turned it into MgCl but did not react with the acid at the bottom making the reaction slower Heat as the Mg reacts with HCl heat is given off speeding up the reaction Human Error reading the gas wrong, starting or stopping the clock at the wrong time etc. Solving these Errors Gas syringe use a position sensor on the gas syringe, which is attached to a computer. This will record the results with no anomalies. Magnesium shake the test tube every so often Heat cant solve this, the reaction is exothermic Human Error use a position sensor on the gas syringe, which is attached to a computer. This will record the results with no human anomalies. Extension To extend the investigation I would do the experiment again put try and put right all the sources of error and see if my results come out perfect. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Redefining Public and Private Essay -- Equality Gender Papers
Redefining Public and Private "Public and private are imbedded within a dense web of associational meanings and intimations and linked to other basic notions: nature and culture, male and female... The content, meaning, and range of public and private vary with the exigencies of each society's existence and turn on whether the virtues of political life or the values of private life are rich and vital or have been drained, singly or together, of their normative significance." The mantra of second wave feminism, "the personal is political," signifies the first attempt to break down the gendered division between the private sphere attributed to women and the public sphere of men. There is no clear origin of this public/private division; it could have been, as Germaine Greer humorously suggests, "while the male-hunter-gatherer strolled along burdened with no more that his spear and a throwing stick, his female mate trudged along after him carrying their infant, their shelter, their food supplies and her digging stick." It appears that, from the moment of human interaction and language, and its implicit category making of social divisions, women have always been associated with the private, and men with the public. From the beginning of first wave feminism and the fight for women's suffrage, women have been using politics to enter the public realm of men, thus challenging the stark division between public man and private woman. A goal of the feminist movement has been to create equality between the sexes, both in the public and private spheres of life. In doing so, the gendered spaces of men and women have become blurred and, because of the linkage between public/private and man/woman, respectively, the division between pr... ...ssion, and Abortion: Women Who Oppose Abortion Rights in the Name of Feminism." Feminist Nightmares: Women at Odds, Feminism and the Problem of Sisterhood. Ed. Susan Ostrov Weisser and Jennifer Fleishner. New York: New York University Press, 1994. 159-188. Regan, Priscilla M. Legislating Privacy: Technology, Social Values, and Public Policy. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995. Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973) Siltanen, Janet and Michelle Stanworth. "The politics of private woman and public man." Women and the Public Sphere. Eds. Janet Siltanen and Michelle Stanworth. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 185-208. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. New York, NY: Harcourt, Inc., 1938. Young, Iris. "Pregnant Embodiment." Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Ed. Donn Welton. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1998. 274-290.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hiring Of Employees
The school will higher teachers using a structured interview with allowance for questions that may arise. This will be done using qualified private recruiter company but after the establishment of the school the interviews will be undertaken by the administrators and at least three teachers.During the advertisement of the interview people from all academic background will be encouraged to apply especially the young and energetic. A variety of issues will be considered at the time of the interviews. This will include the academic background, spirituality, leadership skills and extra curricula qualifications. After interviewing the candidates a selection will be done that will put into consideration the race, gender and professions.The school will have a head teacher who will be a professional teacher and an administrator who could be a retired teacher. The school will be expected to start on a small scale with only three grades. The initial number of teacher is expected to be at least six.The school will also hire a few other temporary teachers who will step in on special occasions. This could be collage students pursuing their studies in different fields who will open up the children to the mystery of different education a head of them.The special occasions will include when the regular teachers are on training. The professional teachers will be considered such that in every three teacher one should be a professional teacher. Other employees to be recruited will be the secretary, the drivers, cooks, gate keepers and the cleaners.Since the school will be of the lower grades the secretary will be expected to be of the same qualification as some of the teachers with good computer skills. All the other staff are expected to have some basic academic background that can enable them to communicate effectively. They should also be dedicated to their work and should be of good moral standards.Evaluation of the school employeesThe teachers the administrators and the othe r employees will be evaluated to find out if they are performing their duties effectively. The evaluation will consist of a list of questions that will give the performance index of the employee when answered.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Islam and Muslim Contact Unit
The term â€Å"Islamophobia†was first used in print in 1991 and was defined in the Runnymede Trust Report as â€Å"unfounded hostility towards Islam, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims. †The word has been coined because there is a new reality which needs naming  anti-Muslim prejudice has grown so considerably and so rapidly in recent years that a new item in the vocabulary is needed so that it can be identified and acted against. (Sajid 2005) The term â€Å"Islamophobia†was coined by way of analogy to â€Å"xenophobia†, which is a dislike or fear of people from other countries or of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.Some definitions suggest xenophobia as arising from irrationality or unreason; this can also be said for islamophobia. Islamophobia can be characterized by the belief that all or most Muslims are religious fanatics, have violent tendencies towards non- Muslims, and reject concepts such as equality, to lerance, and democracy. It is a new form of racism where Muslims, an ethno-religious group, are constructed as a race. A set of negative assumptions are made of the entire group to the detriment of members of that group.During the 1990s many sociologists and cultural essay writer toronto analysts observed a shift in racist ideas from ones based on skin color to ones based on notions of cultural superiority and otherness. (Sajid 2005) In Britain and other European or Western countries, Manifestations of anti-muslim hostility has been exemplified in many verbal as well as physical attacks on Muslims in public places and attacks on mosques and desecration of Muslim cemeteries. Before 9/11, in Western countries negative stereotypes and remarks in speeches by political leaders, implying that Muslims are less committed than others to democracy and the rule of law.There was a rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London in 2010, these hate crimes were being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published January 26, 2010, says that attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society. Lambert headed Scotland Yard's Muslim contact unit, which helped improve relations between the police and Britain's Islamic communities.The study mentions no newspapers or writers by name, but alleges that the book Londonistan, by the Mail writer Melanie Phillips, played a part in triggering hate crimes. Londonistan is a book about the spread of Islamism in the United Kingdom over the past twenty years. When London was hit by suicide bombers in July 2005, the dirty little secret was finally out. Great Britain had been the European hub of Islamist extremism for more than a decade. Under the noses of British intelligence, a network of terrorists and their sympathizers had used Britain to plot, finance, recruit and train for atrocities in the United States and around the world.The scale of this activity was so large that exasperated European security agencies dubbed Britain's capital city Londonistan. (Phillips 2006). In Europe and in America as well, it can be seen in widespread and routine negative stereotyping in the media and everyday discourse in ways that would not be acceptable if the reference were, for example, to Jewish or black people. (Dodd 2010) Islamophobia is heightened by a number of contextual factors. One of these is the fact that a high proportion of refugees are Muslims.Demonization of refugees is therefore frequently a coded attack on Muslims, for the words â€Å"Muslim,†â€Å"asylum-seeker,†â€Å"refugee,†and â€Å"immigrant†become synonymous in the popular imagination. In this case, the common experiences of immigrant communities with unemployment, rejection, alienation and violence have combined with Islamophobia to make integration really difficult. This has led Muslim communities to suffer higher levels of unemployment, poor housing, poor health and higher levels of racially motivated violence than other communities. (sajid 2010).For example, in 2003, when the Home Office produced a poster about alleged deceit and dishonesty amongst people seeking asylum, it chose to illustrate its concerns by focusing on someone with a Muslim name. France has been wracked by tensions over its rapidly growing Muslim minority. Another example of this would France banning the wearing of Islamic veils and other face coverings earlier this year, claiming they were both degrading and a security risk. Belgium has passed similar legislation, and Switzerland banned the building of minarets, the tall spires which often stand next to mosques. Ghazi 2006) A large issue that fuels the fires in the battle against Islamophobia is the drawing of cartoons offending the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. More specifically, this issue began after 12 editorial cartoons, most of which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad, were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on September 30, 2005. These Danish cartoonists targeted Muhammad as a way to attack the Muslims’ freedom of free speech and religion. In Muslim societies insulting Muhammad is the gravest of all crimes; also considered blasphemy and punishable by death.Unfortunately, some events that followed these insults toward Muhammad ended in multiple deaths. The Organization of the Islamic Conference has denounced calls for the death of the Danish cartoonists. The obvious denial of this request caused attacks on innocents and riots all over Europe. Some acts included bombing of Christians at church, burning of churches, slaughtering innocent children and other civilians, and one specific incident included killing innocent train passengers. Even before the Jyllan ds-Posten riots, there were plenty of anti-Muslim acts in Europe.One of which was the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn’s assassination in 2002 for his anti-Islamic views. He called Islam a â€Å"backward culture†and wanted to stop Muslim immigration. After his death his party made its debut in Parliament with a 17% seat share showing how popular he was at that time. Another example of Europe’s anti-Muslim views as well as the Islam’s’ intolerance for the belittling of their culture is the assassination of Theo van Gogh In 2004. Van Gogh directed a short movie called Submission which tried to highlight the role of women in Islam.While the movie came in for a lot of criticism, van Gogh was assassinated in the same year over the movie. Specifically, the fear of Muslims became more prevalent in the United States after the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. In order to study Muslim Americans’ framing in the news media after 9/11, it is impo rtant to focus on two specific periods; the first six-month period after the attacks and the period after the first anniversary of September 11. The two periods are very important because the news framework completely changed during these two episodes.In the first immediate six months after 9/11, the media representation was very positive, comprehensive, frequent and contextual. However, after the first anniversary of 9/11, the media coverage changed. It became very negative, stereotypical and exclusive. By the first anniversary of September 11, the portrayal of Muslim Americans in both print and cable news had completely shifted from the more frequent, positive, contextual, thematic, descriptive and comprehensive coverage to a more frequent, negative, stereotypical, episodic and exclusive coverage.The share of reporting on Muslim Americans declined, hate crimes skyrocketed and the positive public perception of Muslims that was created in the immediate period after 9/11 dim inished. Eventually, this negative perception of Muslims manifested itself through anti-Islamic riots and hatred of Muslim Americans in upcoming years. (Amiri 2012) September 11, 2001, and the days that followed produced strong feelings amongst non-Muslims as well as among Muslims in Europe.When people feel powerless and frustrated they are prone to hit out with violent language: â€Å"You don't belong here,†or â€Å"Get out of my country now; England is for white civilized English people! †are examples of the kind of violent language that was used in e-mail messages to the Muslim Council of Britain immediately following the attacks. These messages are significant, for they expressed attitudes and perceptions that are widespread amongst non-Muslims and that are recurring components of Islamophobia. Allen 2002) While over in the western hemisphere, the American government was trying to ensure the Americans citizens of their safety. In the first few days following 9/11 there were multiple news cast questioning citizens, politicians, and government officials of what exactly went on that day. But what most Americans really wanted to know was whether or not they can be safe knowing that people of the same race and religion as the terrorists were walking the streets.Although there was fear struck into the hearts of American citizens, Americans were too decent to even consider lashing out on Muslim Americans. Not only that but American didn’t know even about their culture, religion, or race to hate them to extent that Europeans do. (Schwartz 2010). When it came time to get the point of views from the horse’s mouth, Muslim Americans were more frequently covered in the news and more often interviewed as sources than before the events of 9/11.They were given a chance to speak for themselves rather than the commentators talking on their behalf offering their views on certain issues relating to Muslim Americans. (Abid 2011) What changed the A merican view of Muslims altogether was the start of the wars in Afghanistan. Americans who were considered to be Islamophobes were completely against the idea of thousands of soldiers losing their life trying to fight for a faith that what President Bush calls â€Å"A religion based on peace, but hijacked by the terrorists. (Bari 2012) But Americans had an odd response to the anti-Muslim controversy they elected a president bearing an Islamic middle name, Barack Hussein Obama. This demonstrated that for their majority, Islamophobia was moot. Too few said so, but Americans seemed to have instinctively grasped certain truths: that Islam would not simply go away, they would not change their view, they could not be defeated in a direct confrontation and that moderate Muslims would be valuable allies in defeating radical Islam. (Schwartz 2010)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Pavlovs Dogs Essay Example
Pavlovs Dogs Essay Example Pavlovs Dogs Essay Pavlovs Dogs Essay Learning and Conditioning Ivan Pavlov studied dogs, metronomes, salivation, and the discovery of the conditioned reflex nearly 100 years ago. Ivan will be remembered as the man who changed psychology by his experimentations with the salivation of dogs. Pavlov learned through experimentation of the unconditioned responses due to unconditioned stimuli and of the potential to condition responses from previous no stimuli. Pavlov performed his experiments at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Petrograd. There, he reflected on his previous work. He had noticed during his previous work that dogs naturally produced amounts of saliva depending on what they were given to eat. The dogs salivated little amounts for moist food, larger amounts for dry food, and varying amounts for inedible objects. He then had the theory that the dogs had learned from experience to associate food with the appearance of certain signals- the conditioned stimuli. He set up a lab to train dogs to salivate at random signals, conditioned stimuli. Pavlov succeeded in training dogs to drool from hearing the sounds of footsteps, bells, metronomes and the smell of vanilla. He associated the food, unconditioned stimuli, with the previously neutral stimuli and then repeated the combination until the dogs would salivate at the scent or sound without the need of the unconditioned stimulus. The most important finding of the study was that if a neutral stimulus was in contact with the dogs after the unconditioned response took place, the neutral stimulus would stay a neutral response. The impact of Pavlov’s work taught us about our behavior and the impact that conditioning has upon humans. The theory of classical conditioning is universally accepted and has remained unchanged since its conception through Pavlov’s work. Other psychologists have worked with Pavlov’s conditioning. John B. Watson, for example, conditioned 11-month-old little Albert to fear a white rat (and other furry things) by employing the same principles Pavlov used to condition salivation in dogs. Conditioning also directly relates to the nature vs. nurture arguments. Pavlov’s work shows that the environment in which we are surrounded by has a part in our actions. In conclusion, it is unlikely that such a cohesive, elegant, and well-articulated theory of the conditioned reflex would ever have existed if Pavlov had not made the decision to risk his career and venture into the untested, uncharted, and highly questionable science of nineteenth-century psychology.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Basics of Aramid Fiber, Polymer Reinforcing Fiber
The Basics of Aramid Fiber, Polymer Reinforcing Fiber Aramid fiber is the generic name of a group of synthetic fibers. The fibers offer a set of properties which make them particularly useful in armor, clothing and a wide range of other applications. The most commonly known commercial brand is Kevlarâ„ ¢, but there others such as Twaronâ„ ¢ and Nomexâ„ ¢ in the same broad family. History Aramids have evolved out of research which stretches back to nylon and polyester. The family is known as aromatic polyamides. Nomex was developed in the early 1960’s and its properties led to wide use in protective clothing, insulation and as a replacement for asbestos. Further research with this meta-aramid led to the fiber we now know as Kevlar. Kevlar and Twaron are para-aramids. Kevlar was developed and trademarked by DuPont and became commercially available in 1973. 2011 worldwide production of Aramids was well over 60,000 tons, and demand is growing steadily as production scales up, costs fall and applications broaden. Properties The chemical structure of the chain molecules is such that the bonds are aligned (for the most part) along the fiber axis, giving them outstanding strength, flexibility and abrasion tolerance. With outstanding resistance to heat and low flammability, they are unusual in that they do not melt – they merely start to degrade (at about 500 degrees Centigrade). They also have very low electrical conductivity making them ideal electrical insulators. With high resistance to organic solvents, the all-around ‘inert’ aspects of these materials offer outstanding versatility for a huge range of applications. The only blot on their horizons is that they are sensitive to UV, acids, and salts. They build static electricity too unless they are specially treated. The outstanding properties which these fibers enjoy provide advantages which make them ideal for a wide range of applications. However, with any composite material, it is important to take care in handling and processing. Using gloves, masks, etc. is advisable. Applications Kevlar’s original use was for car tire reinforcement, where the technology still dominates, but in transport, the fibers are used as a replacement for asbestos – for example in brake linings. Probably the most widely known application is in body armor, but other protective uses include fireproof suits for firefighters, helmets, and gloves. Their high strength/weight ratio makes them attractive for use as reinforcing (for example in composite materials particularly where flexing tolerance is important, such as aircraft wings). In construction, we have fiber-reinforced concrete and thermoplastic pipes. Corrosion is a major problem for expensive undersea pipelines in the oil industry, and thermoplastic pipe technology was developed to prolong pipeline life and reduce maintenance costs. Their low stretch properties (typically 3.5% at break), high strength and abrasion resistance make aramid fibers ideal for ropes and cables, and they are even used for mooring ships. In the sporting arena, bowstrings, tennis racquet strings, hockey sticks, skis and running shoes are some of the application areas for these outstanding fibers, with sailors enjoying the benefits of aramid-reinforced hulls, aramid lines and Kevlar wear-patches on their elbows, knees, and rears! Even in the music world aramid fibers are making themselves heard as instrument reeds and drumheads, with the sound being relayed through aramid-fiber loudspeaker cones. The Future New applications are being announced regularly, for example, a high-performance protective coating for harsh environments which embeds Kevlar fibers in an ester. This is ideal for coating new steel pipelines – for example in utilities where water pipes may bury underground and budgets do not permit the more expensive thermoplastic alternatives. With improved epoxies and other resins being introduced on a regular basis and given the continuous scaling up in worldwide production of aramids in many forms (fiber, pulp, powder, chopped fiber and woven mat) the increased use of the material is guaranteed both in its raw form and in composites.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Personality and Employee Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personality and Employee Performance - Essay Example Employee Performance The concept of employee performance is the most practical and applicable in the organizations these days. It refers to the performance or the productivity given by the employees with reference to their jobs or assigned tasks. This performance of workers, in essence, gives rise to the performance appraisals and other such measures to assess the criteria for their rewards and punishments. The concept of performance appraisal, also known as performance evaluation, pertains to a periodic and systematic procedure of assessing and evaluating the performance of employees and their productivity at jobs (Muchinsky, 2012). The performance of employees considers elements such as accomplishments, organizational citizenship behavior, weaknesses and strengths, and the future improvement potential. The concept of employee performance and the systems to measure it tend to align and manage all the resources of the organizations for the purpose of achieving a performance which is possible to the maximum. The performance management is the tool that organization largely utilize to establish the failure or success at the workplace. Thus, the highest priority of the present day organizations is to keep a track of the employee’s performance. Moreover, the performance appraisals also elaborates upon the incentives or reinforcements required for the employees regarding their output at the assigned tasks, punctuality and attendance, dependability, interpersonal relations, and needs for further performance improvement and development. Personality Traits The concept of personality entails wide perspectives within the term and belongs to the field of psychology. However, this term is widely used and applied in the scope of business as well. The term ‘personality’ can be described as an organized and dynamic array of characteristics which an individual possesses and which are capable of influencing the person’s emotions, behaviors, cognitions, and motivations in diverse situations. Personality may also pertain to the patterns of feelings, perception, thoughts and behaviours which the individuals depict with the passage of time. These patterns also have strong influences on the values and attitudes, self-perceptions, and have the ability to predict the individual’s responsiveness to the other people in the times of stress and problems. Relationship between Personality and Employee Performance The high demands and stress posed upon the employees at workplace in the present times generate a need for the employees, managers and all the workforce that deals with the everyday requirements of the organziations, subordinates and the pressure of workloads (Francis, 2007). The position of employees, specifically the middle and higher level employees such as managers and supervisors, requires a lot of stress and responsibility, as they are expected to give the outcomes which disregard elements of favourable or unfavourable s ituations. The leaders and managers are required to figure out solutions and take up variety of challenges which accumulate in the business every other day. Many of these demanding tasks inculde staff reassignment, limited budget, withdrawal of finance, reorganization of units, government policies, and lack of availability of resources which keep
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The strategies( taxation) used to reduce tobacco related harms Essay
The strategies( taxation) used to reduce tobacco related harms - Essay Example The rationale for increased taxation of tobacco products is that higher taxes will translate into high prices for tobacco products. Proponents of this strategy opine that when tobacco products have higher prices, the demand is likely to decrease. Many countries have implemented this strategy as one of the efforts of addressing increase tobacco consumption (Cowie, Glover, & Gentles, 2014). Worth noting is the fact that tobacco consumption contributes to a remarkable percentage of deaths. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the efficiency of the taxation strategy for reducing tobacco consumption. This paper will evaluate the efficiency of the taxation strategies on tobacco consumption, relying on evidence-based research. There is evidence that taxation strategies do not contribute to a significant reduction of tobacco smoking, as this paper will highlight. As highlighted above, the rationale for increasing taxation on tobacco products is based on the fact that tobacco consumption is proving to be one of the most critical public health threats in the twenty-first century. According to future projections, the globe will register 1.6 billion smokers if effective strategies for reducing smoking are not implemented. Many countries have recognized the tobacco epidemic and are putting in measures in an effort to reduce the prevalence of tobacco consumption (Gigliotti, Figueiredo, Madruga, Marques, Pinsky, Caetano, & Laranjeira, 2014). As mentioned previously, increasing tobacco taxes is viewed as one of the best strategies that can register positive results in reducing the prevalence of tobacco consumption. The World Bank has supported the initiative of introducing increased taxes on tobacco products. Proponents of this strategy believe that it can register positive outcomes in various populations. Governments that have implemented this stra tegy also achieve associated revenue goals through
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Project Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project Management Theory - Essay Example They had success utilizing this system to develop new products. Currently work breakdown structure is a valuable technique in the project management field. WBS can be defined as a deliverable or product orientated grouping of project work elements shown in graphical display to organize and subdivide the total work scope of a project (U.S. Department of Energy, 2003). It is a tremendous tool that provides a work layout plan that can be utilized for scheduling, budgeting and to create time estimates for different tasks. A project manager has to develop a work breakdown structure with the following characteristics: definable, manageable, estimating capacity, independent, easy to integrate, measurable and adaptable (U.S. Department of Energy, 2003). The WBS is divided in different levels. Each succeeding levels provides more detail about the work to be performed during the project. The Work breakdown structure also provides a numeric value beside each element that represents the proportion of total work for that work task. There is a rule called â€Å"The 100% Rule†which stipulates that the sum of all numeric values can not exceed a 100. The project scope is a descriptive guideline of the overall content of the project. The project scope management plan provides details of the actions necessary to prepare the work breakdown structure (Anticlue, 2007). An organizational project assets is a history log of a company’s previous projects. The WBS dictionary describes individually the meaning of each component. A simple project scope statement for the trade show project could be: The trade show project provides an opportunity to showcase our variety of products to new potential customers, collect valuable customer feedback and obtain sales for the company. The WBS created for the project is composed on five components in the level two diagram. Out of these five work components sales
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of SHRM in an Organization
Importance of SHRM in an Organization The importance of strategic human resource management in a business organization must be projected. Most of the organizations when was recently introduce the role of strategic HRM to the long-term growth and survival of the business organization. Most who are the these most of them managers of the managers have realized that specific defining the mission of their organization are better and able to give direction and focus activities. According to Ansoff (1979), who strongly recommended that, the success or failure of strategic planning is determined by a number of components which include the environment, organization structure and strategic decision making. When these three components are properly matched, the performance of any organization is optimized. Furthermore Lorange (1979) has describe that the importance of strategic planning is to accomplish a sufficient process of innovation to support and enhance the planning process and effective strategic planning does not have to be complicated but must be logical and focused on strategic decisions to be undertaken. Based on Alli (1992) who has presented characteristics of an effective strategic management as follows: 1. Clear direction and purpose. Objectives, goals, and strategic consistency. Continuous monitoring of internal and external environment. Integration of operating budget and profit plans with strategic plan. Continuous monitoring of progress with revision of plan and programs as appropriate. Creation of strategic atmosphere that foresters a team spirit Commitment of necessary resources and the development of system to provide necessary management information. SHRM has increased its importance since the 1980 and day by day it improved the role dramatically in business organizations. Because of, Globalization Government regulation Stronger knowledge or research base. Changing role for labor unions. Challenge of matching worker expectations with competitive demands. It is also important to ensure that staff management, human resource management work with the interests of the organization. Many organizations change and increase their view to HRM is a strategic rather than operational issue, and means that SHMR functions tackled and solved by the particular line manager. It is also requires attention to establishing, maintaining and developing the organizational management style and culture and involving management development programs. Therefore, it realized that, the SHRM is highly required in an organization. Without any proper plan business organization cannot achieve their goals. At the end, it realizes the need of strategic human resource management cannot be over-emphasized in a business organization. Purpose of SHRM activities in an organization (AC1.2):- Strategic Human recourse management plays an important role of the growth of the business organization .All the organization activities managed whose are fully incorporated into general management practice and supported by the specialist corporate HR functions. There is a correlation between the ways and methods in which each and every aspect is addressed, approached and organizational success, effectiveness and profitability. The key activities of SHRM are as follows with discussion with the impact on Tesco. Equal Opportunity/ diversity: Diversity describes peoples differences, in a business context; it often focuses on a particular set of characteristics which are: gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, location, marital status. Tescos diversity programme is essential to keeping position as a leading employer. The programme helps Tesco maintain first-class reputation and the opportunity to maximize market share. Tesco feels that diversity is important because of employing and managing diverse people makes them well-rounded and balanced. Sexual orientation: The research discovered that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) staff can sometimes feel lonely. Tesco committed to making sure that employees who are LGB can be comfortable being open about their sexual orientation at work. Staff planning: It is the process of analysis an organizations future needs in terms of number, skills and locations. It allows the organization to plan for the future employees and a vital for Tesco to plan for the future work force. The key elements involved are as follows: Work analysis: Work analysis is interesting, rewarding and fulfilling to the individual and profitable for Tesco. Tesco uses a workforce planning to establish the demand for new staff. The planning runs each year from the last week in February. There are quarterly reviews in May, August and November, so Tesco can adjust enrollment levels and recruit where necessary. It allows Tesco sufficient time and elasticity to meet demands for staff and allows the company to meet its strategic objectives. Fitting the work to people; fitting the people to work:- The process is abbreviated to FWP-FPW balance provides a sound basis on which to address to each of the following:- Job and work descriptions: parceling up task into occupations and patterns of work. Meanwhile- the behavior, attitude, skills, knowledge, expertise and technological proficiency required and asked for in jobs holder. Job description and person specification shows how a job-holder fits into the Tesco business. It helps Tesco to recruit the right people and provide a benchmark for each job in terms of responsibilities and skills. Recruitment: Attracting the right standard of applicants to apply for vacancies. Tesco first looks at internal Talent Plan to fill a vacancy. For external recruitment, Tesco advertises vacancies via the Tesco website or through vacancy boards in stores. People interested in store-based jobs with Tesco can approach stores with their CV or register though Job centre Plus. The store prepares a waiting list of people applying in this way and calls them in as jobs become available. Selection: identifying the critical behavior, attitudes, skills, knowledge, expertise and technological proficiency aspect are to be tested in individuals for capability and willingness; identifying the best to test, observe and understand the particular qualities. At the first stages of screening, Tesco selectors look carefully at each applicants summarizes education and job history. A candidate who passes screening attends an assessment centre. Applicants are given various exercises, including team-working activities or problem solving exercises. These involve examples of problems might have to deal with at work approved by the internal assessment centre. Induction: It identifies those qualities required as a condition of employment and ensures that people learn quickly and effectively to applied. In Tesco, the new employee joint to work through an induction and learn how to do their works. Employee and organization development: It identifies those areas where expertise and capability are not present or need to be improved. Tesco employees assess their own skills to give them a focus for their development. Tescos Options programme provides a long term route for development like leadership workshops. Work patterns: Reflecting the demands for maximizing and optimizing returns on investment in technology and expertise and ensure that product and service are available to customers and clients. Tescos purpose is to serve its customers. Their work pattern has the customer at the top. Tesco needs people with the right skills at each level of these patterns. There are six work levels at Tesco. This gives a clear structure for managing and controlling the organization. Each level requires particular skills and behaviors. Pay and rewards: Balancing the demands with offer and recognizing the actual and potential problems of retention for those who are coming into work. Its a most important activity of Tesco. The elements activities for effective staff pay and rewards scheme as follows. Expectations: all systems must meet of the jobs holder extent to be attracted and retained staff. Tesco lists current employees looking for a move, either at the same level or on promotion. They do Talent Plan or developing on the internal management Development programme to retain their current employees. Motivation: within the constraints illustrated above, all payments and reward motivates to an extent; the rewards offered to carry implications for nature, complexity and commitment to the work is required on their part. Tesco motivates its staff in many ways -financially and non-financially. Tesco apply Maslows hierarchy of needs, Herzbergs two sets of factors to motivation, theorist Elton Mayos motivation came from a number of factors and Taylors motivational theory to motivate their employee. Good pay and conditions satisfy basic needs. Reviews and Personal Development Plans ensure that their staffs are able to make progress and achieve higher goals. This benefit staff and Tesco. There are some other pay and rewards activity of elements to be done by the organizations includes Mixes of pay with other aspects, Occupational aspects, International, organizational and local variations, Respect and value and the nature of the work and working environment. Contribution of SHRM to the achievement of an organization Frank Mueller describe as the human resources are scarce, valuable, firm specific and difficult to imitate resources that can contribute significantly to the achievement of competitive advantage and should be regarded as strategic assets. The approaches of an organization to career planning, performance appraisals, reward management and employee development must be re-appraised according to vision, characteristics and mission outcomes as reflected in the SHRM plans, policies, and practices. Development responses aim to increase business skills, the application of business skills and the behavioral elements -whose contribute to effective performance to achieve its goal. Investment initiatives for individual, team and organization are toward to achieve high levels of organizational goal. Reward strategies aim to align the performance of the organization with the way it rewards its people, providing the necessary incentives and motivation to staff. Beardwell I 2004: Tesco has strategically integrated SHR plans. Managers have been to realize aspects of SHR in their decision making, has shown high commitment, attempting to gain acceptance from all employees, and offering to all employees basic and extended training. Tescos strategic direction is discussed with all employees to help individual to understand their role and importance. A human-resource-leading business strategy has helped Tesco to take the lead over its rivals in the fiercely-competitive UK supermarket sector. It has introduced a high commitment model which offers training and development to employees. It operates in a very competitive market; the consumer has a choice where to shop for their necessities. Their slogan every little helps used to show their commitment to customers, reduce prices and to increase the level of customer service which used in staff training to increase the knowledge of the work force. Tesco is widely reported in news papers to the success of the business. They are rapidly expanding has taken a great deal of their resources in the planning and implementing stage of expansion. The human-resource strategy at Tescos revolves work simplification, challenging unwritten rules, rolling out core skills to employees and performance management linked to achieving targets. Tesco ensures that each and every employee has the opportunity to understand individual role in contributing to purpose and values. The training provide by Tesco through the history, purpose, values, business goals, financial aims, operations and marketing strategy and commitment to customers. Tesco intends to increase the skills of its workforce to make learning into a truly integrated part of culture, as an important way of developing organizational flexibility and remaining ahead of its rivals. Future concentrates provides that all employees are responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. (Anonymou s 2003). (P-3)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Brother Grim Taking The Merry Out Of Fairy Tales Essay -- essays resea
After reading the Brothers Grim version of â€Å"Cinderella†and viewing the film version of â€Å"Cinderella†, Everafter, one can distinguish precise differences between the these two similar stories. Both versions tell of a young maiden whose mother died when she was young and is then tormented by her stepmother and her two stepsisters who enslave her in her own home and force her to sleep among the ashes of the fireplace. Yet, both stories vary greatly when it comes to the content of the tales. The Brothers Grim version portrays Cinderella as a young, defenseless woman who submits to her stepmothers every wish and endears harsh punishment for any insolence she may show towards her. Another difference in the Brothers story is that Cinderella’s father is still living and does nothing to protect his daughter from the brutal treatment inflicted upon her by her stepfamily. Cinderella’s only comfort is the friendship she has developed between the wild animals that live outside her home.                                             Unlike, the Brothers Grim version Everafter portrays Cinderella as a headstrong orphan who becomes a heroine by standing up for herself even though it may result in punishment. Like the Cinderella in the Brothers story she is tormented by ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
“Of Mice and Menâ€Â: George’s actions at the end of the novel Essay
Discuss George’s actions at the end of the novel. How can we justify what he does to Lennie? How can we condemn it? Although murder is morally incorrect, mercy killing can be justified as it may prevent a later inevitable and painful death. In the novella ‘Of Mice and Men’ written by John Steinbeck, the character George shoots his friend, Lennie. Whilst George’s actions can be condemned, George had good intentions towards the death of his friend. Steinbeck makes it clear throughout the novella that although horrid incidents may occur such as Lennie’s death that it was how it was during the Great Depression. However one may like to condemn George’s actions in shooting his only friend, George had forgivable intentions as to why he chose to shoot Lennie. George’s murdering of his friend was without malicious intent. It is clear from the start in the novella that George cares for Lennie, as he protects and looks out for him. Killing Lennie was not an easy choice.. He also prevented a further painful and torturous death for Lennie, as Curley plans to ‘shoot that big bastard’s guts right outta him.’ This implies that Curley intends no mercy and an excruciating death awaits Lennie. By shooting his friend, George gives Lennie a peaceful death. During the scene where the two men are in the bush, George once again recites their dream which reminds the audience and Lennie of their friendship. He tells George, ‘I got you an’ you got me.’ This conveys in the idea that George truly cared for Lennie and has no vicious intent when he is to shoot Lennie. By shooting Lennie, George gave him a merciful and peaceful death with no intended malicion. The murder of Lennie is justified as Steinbeck shows the audience through the novella, realistic themes that were evident in the 1930s. Steinbeck’s writing style has been described as a naturalist or realist type. It is clear from the start, that in ‘Of Mice and Men’ there is a predatory nature in human existence. Candy says to George, â€Å"I shouldn’t have let no stranger shoot my dog.†Having said that, it foreshadows Lennie’s death and what George must do. It also conveys in the idea that Lennie will face a similar fate to Candy’s old dog who is weak and handicapped. Society does not tolerate the weak as there were limited resources during the Great Depression. As seen in the scene where Slim drowns the smallest pups, it is clear that Steinbeck is trying to send across the message that only the strongest lived during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck gave the reader a realistic view on what would have happened during a difficu lt time and Lennie’s death is similar to what would have occurred during the 1930s. The final reason that justifies Lennie’s death, is when one ponders the reality of the men attaining the ranch. As evident in the novella, Lennie has no problem killing small animals and even people. If the reader is to imagine Lennie on a ranch with a large group of animals, especially rabbits; no matter how many times Candy calculated the numbers, there would be no possible way for the men to make a profit off the rabbits given the amount Lennie would kill due to his brute strength. By forgetting the reality of the situation, the men forget that the ranch was not even a reachable goal in the first place. As indicated by George, â€Å"I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her.†This supports the idea that there was really no chance of the men actually getting the ranch. By killing Lennie, George puts an end to the unrealistic dream in which Lennie would have created problems in making the dream farm profitable. George’s actions are justified through realism that the ending scene portrays. When George shoots Lennie, he ensures he dies a peaceful death. If George did not kill Lennie, Lennie would have faced a possible torturous death. His actions are also justified as George meant no malicious intent and only wants the best for his friend. Lennie would have made life difficult even on their own land. Steinbeck shows the realism that people in the Great Depression would have faced in situations similar to Lennie and George’s; he shows us a piece of history and the tragedies attached. Although one may condemn George’s shooting of Lennie, mercy killing was the best choice for both of the men. Loved the point about the Depression times. (Paragraph 3) and also the â€Å"unrealistic †dream point in the next paragraph You could also discuss the fact that George also â€Å"loses†something by killing Lennie. He really believed their relationship was special. ( George tells Slim this). Killing Lennie wasn’t just the easy way out for George. Once again, an original approach. I am sure your exam essay will reflect your mature approach and your hard work.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Music Lesson for Visually Impaired Children in Schools
â€Å" The term ‘visual damage ‘ refers to people with unretrievable sight loss †( Open University, 2006 ) . However, this class of people who require particular instruction demands ( SEN ) besides includes people whose damage can be recovered after medical aid. In general, a individual is non considered visually impaired when vision is possible with the aid of spectacless or contact lenses. Ocular damage can be caused after familial malfunction and ocular harm to the oculus before birth, after birth and during life span ( Miller and Ockelford, 2005 ) . There are 1.5 million kids worldwide that suffer from ocular damage. There are many oculus conditions that can do ocular damage in kids. Amongs them are Albinism, Cataracts, Coloboma, Cortical ocular damage ( CVI ) , Glaucoma, Nystagmus, Optic nervus upsets, Retinopathy of prematureness and Retinitis pigmentosa ( Miller and Ockelford, 2005 ) . There are some factors that can impact the visually impairer ‘s ability to get by with their status and map better. The specialist healer ‘s support can be a major influence, and the household ‘s attitude has a important portion as good. Additionally, societal and emotional safety has been proven to be really of import.Music and the non-specialist music instructors and the SEN kidsMusic can be good to every sort of particular instruction demand without even the appropriate cognition of the music instructors. Since the head has to be highly watchful all the clip, causes tenseness. Relaxing music can diminish tensenesss degrees ( Kersten, 1981 ) . Researchers in the country of music found that music can bring forth hearing every bit good as quiver. Elizabeth May ( 1961 ) has found that deaf kids can experience music through quivers, and execute in a alone manner. Harmonizing to Zimmerman ( 1997 ) , music can enrapture assurance, develop aspiration and satisfaction, in single and group work within the school environment. Music lesson in the course of study is really of import because it helps to advance self efficaciousness in kids. It facilitates relaxation and merriment in comparing with the therapies and other lessons that the kids are taught. Furthermore, kids with particular instruction demands might compare themselves with the other kids in the schoolroom. However, during the music lesson they are given the chance to loosen up and take part every bit. In add-on to that, music can enrapture creativeness for the kids with particular instruction demands. Kersten ( 1981 ) has indicated that, â€Å" Music provides an of import aesthetic part to the lives of sighted persons †; hence, VI pupils can make originative degrees through musical activities. In the instance of non-sighted kids, music playthings can be really helpful since sighted kids have vision as the first sensory in order to gain objects and particularly playthings. Furthermore, these pupils can play a rhythmic instrument and bring forth steady beat, and take part in music composings. In general, a non-sighted individual is able to spread out life experiences by the usage of other senses. It is a known fact that visually impaired people use sound as a manner to counterbalance their loss of vision. Attending concerts is ever enjoyable because they can to the full take part like everybody else in the audience. It is really important how this signifier of equality can act upon their feelings of self-esteem. Most of the visually impaired are hearers, yet some of them are more involved with music by executing or even composing. Non-specialist music instructors have a great duty when educating kids with particular instruction demands. Although, they are non trained to cognize a manner to respond in the presence of any job, or, how to learn a vocal to each different instance of particular instruction demand, the music instructor is of import to be informed and take the appropriate preparation refering how to learn the kid. Being cognizant of the basic symptoms the kids show is one manner to learn them.The Music instructor in comparing with the Music healerThere are many differences between the music pedagogue and the music healer. â€Å" Music therapy and music instruction are distinguishable subjects and have separate grade demands †( Patterson, 2003 ) . Patterson ( 2003 ) points out that the healer and the pedagogue are two different analogues. The pedagogue is the individual responsible to learn music ; on the other manus the healer addresses societal and communicative accomplishments through music . In other words, the purpose of the music instructor is to bring forth music, the purpose of the music healer is to supply an betterment in mental and physical wellness through music. These two functions should non be confused. However, there are some frequent misinterpretations that music instructors and healers are set abouting the same preparation, and they are supplying the same services. What is the function of the music instructor? VI kids often visit either a healer or a music healer ; hence, music instructor is non responsible T O treat the kid but to learn music as for the other kids. The music lesson should supply joy to the kids and if they are treated otherwise, that might do negative feelings and emphasis. Children with animal or physical damages have the ability to go really gifted instrumentalists, and the instructor should maintain that in head and handle them every bit. Harmonizing to Patterson ( 2003 ) , music pedagogues can collaborate with music healers, through audiences or in-service preparation. This accommodates the chance for music instructors to larn new techniques and schemes. They can be informed and updated refering the possible jobs that a particular instruction demand kid will confront in a mainstream school.Children with ocular damage in mainstream schoolsIn the mainstream school, a batch of troubles might be an obstruction for a VI kid. First of wholly, the kid may hold trouble reading notes from the board because of â€Å" deformation of depth perceptual experience, color perceptual experience, what is being seen and perceived †( Arter, 1999 ) . Furthermore, the kid may non be able to concentrate to approach and far distances, and this may do ocular weariness to the kid. These jobs can be solved by supplying more clip to treat the ocular information. There are many sentiments refering the school environment ‘s function. Some people support the thought that the school should offer safety for impaired people. However, others disagree with this, bearing that merely few steps should be taken in order to help them. Harmonizing to Patterson ( 2003 ) , many instructors have stated that they do non experience prepared to cover with kids with larning troubles. A study of modern-day mainstreaming patterns in the southern United States support this ( Music Educators Journal 58, April 1972 ) . Furthermore Jaquiss ( 2005 ) has collected some statements by music instructors that show the unpreparedness of the music instructors: â€Å" I need much more clip to be after if students with SEN are traveling to be coming to my lessons †And â€Å" I have plenty to make without worrying about sorts who ca n't read or compose †. Harmonizing to this, some instructors would experience more confident if they could hold more preparation on how to learn music to pupils with particular instruction demands. Witchell ( 2001 ) states that instructors ‘ outlooks should be realistic, and a secured method of larning is required for SEN kids. Furthermore, the Philpott and Plumeridge ( 2001 ) suggest that prosecuting a holistic attack that combines executing, composing and listening additions the natural development of musical development.Extracurricular work, in and out of school, for the VI kidsA school is a topographic point that acts as a little community where person can do friends and take part in groups and in different occasions. The visually impaired and every other particular instruction demand kids have a really hard day-to-day plan because of the instructor ‘s demands, and the therapies they are set abouting every twenty-four hours. In this instance, it is instead impossible to demand from these kids to take part in any extracurricular activity after school. Coercing the kid to fall in any music group, demands more attempt from the instructor and the kid. However, there are many musical ensemble activities that kids can take part, which do non necessitate notation. Some illustrations are: the Caribbean steel pan, the art and trade of the steel set, gamelan orchestras and different genres, which require improvisation by the instrumentalists. In this instance visually impaired kids can to the full take part at the same degree with their schoolmates, and experience a sense of equality and same capableness.Visually impaired kids in the early old agesZimmerman ( 1997 ) illustrated that kids who can see are more appealing because they interact more. On the other manus, babies who are non-sighted might non interact as much, and might non acquire the same response as the sighted babies. During the early old ages kids prefer toys from wood or metal than plastic 1s because the sound they produce is more exciting. Furthermore, in this age visually impaired babies are able to pull strings audiovisual stuffs. A posting-box recording equipment can spread out familiarity and turn control over sound through listening pleasance. In the mainstream baby's room school, the sighted kid is take parting in singing nursery rimes and musical games. Vision is the sense that enables kids to associate otiose sounds with what they see. Zimmerman ( 1997 ) suggests musical cues in order to assist the visually impaired kids. The non-sighted should be given clip to touch the instrument, produce a sound by error and get down researching the instrument. One nice learning method is to give instruments as a wages to the well behaved kids with ocular damage.Visually impaired at the Key phase 1The national course of study in England and Wales, in cardinal phase 1, is accessible to non-sighted pupils as good because it involves singing and playing an instrument, composing and being a portion of an ensemble. Zimmerman ( 1997 ) states that visually impaired pupils are able to even play marimbas, when the instructor takes off the note pieces that are non supposed to be played. Furthermore, the writer suggests that since the visually impaired pupil can non number on or copy other pupils, a solution is to keep custodies and take bends.Visually impaired at the cardinal phase 2In this phase, kids are able to sing and understand basic harmoniousness in relation to the vocal. The music instructor by using the sense of touch as a cue can bespeak to the blind and visually impaired pupils the right clip to come in the vocal. The readying for the public presentation ( dry runs and phase readying ) can be more hard than the public presentation afterwards. The usage of Braille, written linguistic communication for the blind, is indispensable for the kids in music lessons for kids with ocular damages in order to recognize the pitch and the length of notes.Visually impaired at the cardinal phase 3In cardinal phase 3, music specializer instructors are present in schools and they are responsible for the music lesson in particular designed music suites. It is instead hard for the blind and VI kids to show their endowment becaus e a whole category is working at the same clip with the instructor holding facial looks. The noise degree in the schoolroom might impact significantly the non-sighted kid ‘s ability to understand and follow the lesson. Zimmerman ( 1997 ) noticed that less sighted pupils prefer to hold a prima function or be merely a inactive member than have the same function as the bulk of other pupils. In this age the non-sighted kids are able to utilize the Braille beat notation. More lit, bright colorss and hypertrophied photocopies in a music base can assist pupils to work quicker.Visually impaired at the cardinal phase 4At this phase, the General Certificate of Secondary Education scrutiny is taking topographic point every bit good as the Standard Grade. Visually impaired kids are able to take these scrutinies with the aid of Braille, word processors and by composing the replies by manus.The lesson it-self: acting, listening and composingAs mentioned above, kids who are visually impaired use their sense of hearing in order to pass on and take part in the same degree with other pupils in the schoolroom. A quiet environment helps the kids to distinguish the sounds. In footings of acting, Witchell ( 2001 ) as noted that the music instructor should cognize every pupil ‘s musical degree. In this manner the instructor will be able to put the pupil in the appropriate degree of public presentation. The instructor can utilize short musical phrases to help the less sighted pupils to copy, repetition and develop. Furthermore, rhythmic ostinati and the usage of the pentatonic graduated table can be a great tool in helping the pupil to accomplish better consequences. Working in braces, one VI pupil and one sighted pupil can suit more successful public presentation. Pairs can pattern in a pattern room for better consequences, because VI pupils find it more hard to concentrate in their activity with other pupils playing music in the same room. In add-on to this, the usage o f Alternatively Clearvision music books ( which includes besides the Braille system ) , provides equal chances for all kids to work together without any distinction. Furthermore, the usage of a recording equipment in the schoolroom can assist the VI pupils to pattern and memorise a musical piece more easy. â€Å" The sky is the bound, since when given the chance to take, able students frequently select hard and ambitious paths, and bask taking hazards †( Witchell, 2001 ) . This quotation mark should besides mention to the visually impaired pupils, because they are every bit capable as the sighted pupils in acting. Listening activities have been proven to promote pupils to use their aural sharp-sightedness in response to what they hear, and make their ain apprehension. It is suggested that the instructor should inquire easy answered inquiries to increase pupils ‘ engagement without any loss their assurance. Witchell ( 2001 ) has distinguished three basic degrees to find the students ‘ advancement. Students ‘ ability to distinguish sound qualities and instruments are the cardinal elements of the first degree. On the following degree, the pupils are able to acknowledge expressive characteristics. Finally, at the 3rd degree, the pupil can sort the construction of a piece. The last and really of import facet of instruction is composing which creates and improves the creativeness of the pupils. The instructor takes a more facilitator ‘s function refering the composing portion of the lesson. However, instructors sometimes neglect their function as a manager and have jobs learning the category. Composing can supply a sense of power and control to the lupus erythematosus sighted pupils because they understand and learn better when they compose. There are many ways to assist the visually impaired kids to larn how to compose. The instructor should maintain a steady gait to ease the pupils larning ability to compose. One manner to accomplish this is learning a specific genre to the kids and allow them work on it. Another manner for the kids to larn to compose is larning a specific graduated table. Furthermore, the instructor can explicate the rules of the vocal signifiers and melodious forms and use the wordss to the music in order to do it easier to the pupils to larn. Additionally, the sum of clip given to carry through a composing undertaking should be equal. Ten to fifteen proceedingss are plenty for pupils groups to compose a little piece. Every person student has his ain demands. It should be the bottom line to guarantee that music in schools meets every single demand ; hence, music instruction should lend to all kids so its impact could be maintained though their life span. Visually impaired kids are able to to the full take part in all musical activities in a mainstream school. However, there are some factors that could assist these kids in acting, listening and composing. The instructor should allow to the VI pupils to take the instruments of their liking. Furthermore, it would be helpful if the kids use a personal tape recording equipment or a mini-disk participant. In add-on to that, it is indispensable to do the pupils cognizant of what instruments are available in their schoolroom, by taging them with a highlighter marker. On the contrary, the instructor should ne'er take the instrument from a pupil without allowing them know. Furthermore, sudden and loud sounds can be really raging for the VI kids. In add-on to that, hapless quality and unturned instruments would detain the kids ‘s advancement. Refering specific activities, the music instructor should explicate the undertakings to the VI kids in the same degree with all the kids in the schoolroom. As mentioned above, the instructor should happen a pattern room for the VI kids. Talking while kids are making will impact a successful result. Furthermore, the instructor should ne'er oppugn that they will necessitate aid in entering or that they will hold a perfect musical memory. Many writers have stated that a music instructor in a mainstream school should do the VI pupil feel as more capable as possible. Learning for visually impaired pupils has to be ordered to go more good towards them. The music lesson should be a enjoyable activity that meets every pupil demand.
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