Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sba Sample on Bullying - 1333 Words
Statement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? What causes someone to be bullied? Reason For Selecting Area of Research I chose the topic of bullying because I believe that it is a problem that is making a great impact on society in these recent times. There are many people who are being bullied and sooner or later this will have or play a great significance in the life of the individual. I want to find out how bullying can affect†¦show more content†¦Only a few students have yet to experience it themselves if nothing is done to target the problem, or maybe yet they are the bullies themselves. Analysis of Graph #3 There could be many reasons that a bully might have to harass a victim but not always are these reasons pointed out. As seen on the graph the main reason children are bullied is because they are academically inclined. Most of this cases would involve the bully calling them names or forcing them to their homework. The second main reason children believe they are bullied is because they dont socialize well with others, meaning they dont have a lot of friends. Many of the victims however are unaware of the reason of why they are bullied. Analysis of graph #4 It is important that teachers and parents be aware of the presence of bullying and note the characteristics of children who are targeted. One of the most common reactions by victims in depression, this reaction needs to be recognized by parents and teachers. The reason these children feel this way is because the no longer perceive like they have any more control over their life. Bullying is not just a part of growing up once people recognize the emotional destruction it has on societal values everyone involved should not ignore the problems. In some cases children do not surviveShow MoreRelatedSba Sample on Bullying1341 Words  | 6 PagesStatement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? What causes someone to be bullied? Reason For Selecting Area of Research I chose the topic of bullying because I believe that it is a problem that is making
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Evolutionary, Cognitive, And Psychodynamic - 947 Words
Lifespan development is a scientific approach to questions about growth, change, and stability in physical, cognitive, social, and personality characteristics at all ages from conception to death (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). In reading the chapter I found three theories very interesting evolutionary, cognitive, and psychodynamic. The reason I find evolutionary perspective because I feel as though this perspective or theory is the base of study. When we are born we have genetic make-up for two people with two family trees. The blending is sometimes a hard transition. We all have been around child and seen their parents’ characteristics in the child. Evolutionary perspective attributes to the genetic inheritance from our ancestors, contending that genes determine not only traits such as skin and eye color, but certain personality traits and social behaviors (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). We all see and new edition in a family and sit and try and pick out which parent the child looks like. We are a very diverse place. The traits and genetic studies are a constant for new developments and updated current practices. Education on social norms of new populations are a must. As we learned throughout history change is a shock. We need to educate and adapt to the societal new comers. Problems occur in the lag between establishment of new members and educative process which has caused some havoc for community members. With more and more cultural differences and blending thereShow MoreRelatedPerspectives of Psychology1141 Words  | 5 Pagesanalyze behaviors, and other uses a multidimensional approach. Carter Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people’s behavior, and mental processes. These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective. Biological perspective The biological perspective looks at how the environment and physical causes influences behavior. In the biological perspective, neuroscience plays a crucial roleRead MoreFoundations of Psychology Essay763 Words  | 4 Pagesphysics, there are several fragmented perspectives that nonetheless share these characteristics of a paradigm. There are four of these perspectives that inform contemporary psychological thought: the psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives (Kowalski Westen, 2009). The psychodynamic perspective of psychology stems from the work of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, during the late nineteenth century. This perspective contends that behavior demonstrates that behaviorRead MoreThe Question in the Origins of Psychology is What Drives Us and Why722 Words  | 3 Pagesto the fact that it was concerned with internal behavior that can`t be observed or measured Functionalism was formed as a direct reaction from structuralism. Functionalism was greatly influenced by the works of William James and Charles Darwin`s evolutionary theory. Instead of focusing of the elements of consciousness, Functionalism focuses on the purpose of consciousness and its behavior in a more systematic and accurate manner. (Cherry) An American scholar, William James expanded the traditionalRead MoreFoundation of Psychology773 Words  | 4 Pagesthe years there are many schools of thoughts in psychology that has developed, that are in addition to the main eight which are structuralism, functionalism, rationalism, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, Gestalt psychology, and Cognitive Psychology. . The first school of thought, structuralism was endorsed by Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Bradford Titchner between 1890-1920 in Germany and the US. This school of thought analyzes the mental processes and broke in down into the most basicRead MoreDiscuss What Makes the Psychodynamic Approach Unique. Refer to Other Approaches in Your Answer. (12 Marks)1115 Words  | 5 PagesDiscuss what makes the psychodynamic approach unique. Refer to other approaches in your answer. (12 marks) In terms of human behaviour, psychology provides alternative perspectives, known as approaches, which give explanation to human behaviours. What makes each approach unique is that they all have their own focal points for how to explain behaviour. For example, the biological approach looks to the evolutionary processes and gene mutations/hormone levels, whilst the cognitive approach looks at howRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Psychology Is Defined As The Scientific Study Of The Human Mind And Behavior1281 Words  | 6 Pageshighly inspired by the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, introduced functionalism as another school of thought, which focuses on the purpose of consciousness and one’s behavior. To conclude this, functionalism is no longer a school of thought; however, it may influence the work of other psychologists today on theories and approaches to human behavior. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, also known to be the father of psychoanalysis, was the founder of the psychodynamic approach in psychologyRead MoreFoundations of Psychology Paper785 Words  | 4 Pagesneurotransmitters influence how we are motivated, what our emotions are, and how we handle stress or feelings. In this field of psychology it can be considered a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience, (Kowalski amp; Westen, 2009). * Psychodynamic perspective: This perspective was initiated by Sigmund Freud to focus on the dynamic interplay of mental forces (Kowalski amp; Westen, 2009). There are three key premises to this perspective. First, how people think, feel, and wish determinesRead MoreJohn Locke And Locke s Views On Nature Nurture1629 Words  | 7 Pagesascendants. Thanks to Darwin, the natural selection concluded the â€Å"nature†part of the nature-nurture issue also emerged the psychological perspective called evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology is the study of the evolution of the behavior and mind. As of Charles Darwin’s analyzation of that certain species behavior, he would be an evolutionary psychologist. Just because Darwin’s natural selection proposal had been analyzed to animals, it can actually impact to humans too. For an example, let’sRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay2576 Words  | 11 Pagesissues and traffic accidents. This essay vie ws sleep and sleep deprivation from five different motivational perspectives in order to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomena. From evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive, and hierarchy of needs perspectives, it is inferred that the cognitive and behaviourist perspectives uphold the most merit for gaining understanding into sleep and sleep deprivation. However, it is concluded that in order to obtain the greatest comprehensionRead MoreRelationship Between Nature And Nurture1262 Words  | 6 Pagessensitive and easily affected by the environment, and the broken window theory is an example of this (2000). When something as simple as a broken window is present in a community, people suddenly find it acceptable to commit crimes (Gladwell, 2000). Cognitive perspective focuses on how people analyze and store information. The way the brain is naturally formed allows different processes and thoughts to take place. According to a study done by a team at the University of Oxford, the size of the brain determines
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Leading In Contemporary Organization-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the difference between Men and Women in Leadership Behavior. Answer: Executive summary: The main aim of this report is to explain the difference between men and women in leadership behavior. This analysis is done by identification of leadership opportunities. So this report gives the evaluation on the basis of the study which is related with the difference between men and women in leadership behavior. Introduction: Leadership is the ability of an individual or an organization to manage each and every thing. This study focuses on the managerial position of both men and women. Leadership behavior is related with the motivation profile and also with many leadership and decision making styles. The study gives emphasis on the nature of organization and organizational demographics. It gives focus on qualities of male and female leaders. Leaders are those people who help themselves and others also. They set a vision and create something innovative (EaglyJohannesen, 2001). Leadership is all about creating direction and implementing it to achieve goals in the organization. The diverse workplace has increasing and attention is paid to it. There are many differences which exist in men and women influence, communicate and in leadership. The gender of male and female has been seen as two different sets of people. It is seen that when it comes to leadership man and female have different style to deal with it . Some suggested that female managers only focuses and contribute to communication and cooperation, power, nurturing and also the female managers were less open and candid with their colleagues as compared to male managers. Also the man focuses on goal setting dimensions while women focuses on interaction facilitation one. So leadership has many dimensions which will be discussed in this report. The report will focus on the working pattern of the women and men (Spillane, 2003). Evaluation: It has been observed that to measure the leadership behavior there are many different ways. There are three dimensions of leadership behavior leadership style, Motivation profile and decision making style. These dimensions are universally recognized. The managerial behavior comparison is based on the concepts of leadership style, Managerial decision making and motivation profile. This explains about the leadership style theories that these factors are found in the behavior of leader. The leadership style also consists of many types of styles that are Employee oriented leadership style in which the managers gives respect and regards to his or her subordinates and also gives them the power of decision making. Second is Production oriented style in the manager make rules and regulations to control work and the third one is change oriented style in which the manager offers different ways of doing things (McColl- Kennedy and Anderson, 2002). In managerial decision style it is the most imp ortant element in marketing. In this people are guided by various functions like sensing, intuition, thinking and feeling. In Motivation profile it is the desire to work in effective manner and also to maintain good relation with others. It is based on the motivation of leader. The motivation level remains same for both men and womens. If both men and women are motivated they will work in effective manner. In the article quantitative method is used which is sample and data collection in this it reduces the effects of leadership behavior and also no difference is seen the motivation profile but in leadership and decision making style the difference is analyzed (Camilleri, 2006). In this the focus is also given on the similarities which are taken into consideration. The similarities are discussed by taking into two theories that are the public and private distinction and also the theories of person organization fit. It is also seen that there are more employed women in schools as comp ared to men and also they are on the position of leader. There are more women employed then men on the position of manager. Womens are leading many organizations nowadays and there is very little area where men are leading women in insurance sector. It is also seen that there is no difference in leadership style dimensions. It can also be observed that no of women are working and are on the post of principal, so it cannot be said that women have adapted the male culture. There is not so much difference analyzed between the men and women managerial function. The women are employed more in the schools as compared to men on the post of principle. On the leadership position more women are employed as compared to women (SadlerSmith, Hampson, Chaston Badger, 2003). Reflection: From the above article it can be seen that leadership does not differs on the basis of gender. Both men and women can act as leaders effectively if provided with equal opportunities. This article has been really helpful in terms of developing and inculcating leadership skills in me. The learning drawn from the article will also be assistance in the developing leadership skills that can be useful in future aspects of the career. Women leaders use interactive leadership style and they never give encouragement to other but also encourages and gives enhancement to self worth. It also reflects that many leaders believe that people give their best when they feel good about themselves at work (Jones Munro, 2005). For continuous improvement and to increase the opportunities the leaders are opening the access of information. In this article many leadership styles are discussed which gives emphasis on the leadership styles and also focuses on the working pattern of both men and women. It is s een that womens are also equally capable as compared to men. They can also lead an organization and on the other hand men also possess the leadership qualities (Tannenbaum, 2011). It also seen that more womens are working in the school as compared to men and they all are on the post of the principal. This article influenced the leadership styles and also gave motivation that all womens are capable to perform each and every task effectively and efficiently. It has enhanced the learning capacity about the leadership skills and attributes. This article helped to increase the skills and talents and also brings inspirational motivation and individualized consideration. This article also clarifies about the direct leadership practices which influenced the quality of teaching and learning. The issue which arises from the article is the difference between the men and women leadership issue. This can be really helpful for me to apply all these theories in practical life (MilgromRoberts, 2012 ). This article is a great example that there is no difference in leadership qualities of men and women. The knowledge that can also be extracted from the above article is that there is no difference between the men and women managerial decision making and also in leadership behavior if compared with male led organization with majority of female employees (Mumford, Zaccaro, Connelly Mark, 2012) It is concluded from this that there is no or very less difference in leadership behavior between men and women. It can also be said that there is no difference in leadership qualities of both men and women. It has also given knowledge about the leadership which can be useful in future to implement and also by analyzing this it has given focus in the managerial decision which should be implemented in the right way. The behavior is also responsible for completing the work in effective manner. In decision making factor there is no difference between male and female (Andersen Hansson, 2011). References: Aarum Andersen, J. and Hansson, P.H., 2011. At the end of the road? On differences between women and men in leadership behaviour. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 32(5), pp.428-441. Camilleri, E., 2006. Towards developing an organisational commitment-public service motivation model for the Maltese public service employees.Public policy and administration,21(1), pp.63-83. Eagly, A.H. and Johannesen?Schmidt, M.C., 2001. The leadership styles of women and men.Journal of social issues,57(4), pp.781-797. Jones, C. and Munro, R. eds., 2005.Contemporary organization theory. Oxford: Blackwell. McColl-Kennedy, J.R. and Anderson, R.D., 2002. Impact of leadership style and emotions on subordinate performance.The Leadership Quarterly,13(5), pp.545-559. Milgrom, P.R. and Roberts, J.D., 2012. Economics, organization and management. Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Connelly, M.S. and Marks, M.A.,2012. Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions.The Leadership Quarterly,11(1), pp.155-170. SadlerSmith, E., Hampson, Y., Chaston, I. and Badger, B., 2003. Managerial behavior, entrepreneurial style, and small firm performance.Journal of small business management,41(1), pp.47-67. Spillane, J.P., 2003. Educational leadership.Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,25(4), pp.343-346. Tannenbaum, R.,2011. Managerial decision-making.The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago,23(1), pp.22-39.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Oil And Gas How Both Affect The Economy Essays - Economy, Economics
Oil And Gas: How Both Affect The Economy The economy is affected by many factors that determine if it is strong or weak. These factors have to do with buyers consuming goods and services and at what rate they do this. Do the goods and services that are consumed by people created wealth, jobs and a better overall economy for a country. Throughout history some economies have evolved faster and stronger than others. Policies that the government places on industry, technology and the environment can all affect the prosperity of an economy. Of the factors that affect economic growth the industry of Oil and gas is one that holds a stronghold in the world's and America's economy today. When evaluating the economic growth factor of economy and specifically oil and gas on must consider the following questions: ? What relationship does the factor have with the whole economy? ? How does this factor affect economic growth ? Is the factor a cause or effect of economic growth? ? what would the economy be like if there were significant problems with this factor? ? What relation does a central bank have to this factor? I will answer each of these questions in respect to how economy is affected by oil and gas. The economy in the United States today is greatly affected by oil and gas. When there are large reserves and an increase of active drills in respect to oil, the economy seems to receive a boost. This is because prices for such things like gas and oil fall and people are able to consume more gas at a lower price. There is more supply and prices fall, therefore people save money on gas and can consume other items in the economy. People working in these industries have more job openings and more jobs filled, therefore creating a lower unemployment rate and a higher national per capita income. The need for substitutes are not there so, consumers will consume oil and gas at a growing rate. Since, people use oil and gas for so many different things like heating there homes, driving their cars, and a variety of other sources, the overall GNP for the consumer will rise. Economic growth is affected through significant fluctuations in inflation of oil and gas. If you look throughout history when there have been fluctuations in gas and oil prices you have vast fluctuations in the economy of our country. The instability of this factor has cause government regulation to come into play in times of crisis. For example during the mid-seventies we had the oil and gas shortage due to the Middle East cutting off supply to Importers of their oil. By doing this, they caused a shortage in a lot of countries creating rising oil prices and high demand. Consumers could not rely on the oil prices to be stable, therefore they consumed less of other products due to the inflation of gas prices and more of their dollar began to be spent on gas. Americans particularly started to come up with more efficient means of using and consuming gas over the past 25 years. Oil and gas is a resource that can be used up if not conserved properly. That is why OPEC was formed, as well a s organizations such as NAFTA to help regulate trade of these commodities and bring organization to a disorganized status. In addition, governments like the United States impose taxes on gas to regulated the prices in order to ward off against supplies of oil affecting the nations economy. This only works to an extent, in the early to mid-eighties one state's economy lived and died by the supply of oil. That state was Texas. When Texas's oil rigs began to dry up, their economy went into a recession. Their reliance on the oil supply as their main revenue producer caused a lot of people to lose their jobs and demand and consumption for other products fell as well. This caused a spiraling effect which caused people from all industries to lose their jobs. Texas's economy suffered and so did parts of the American economy with High inflation and high debt which caused the economy to suffer. Increased regulation and diversification of a country's
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